Jaysynth - Until We Meet Again
8.Natural Affinity
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Fly By Wire
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Harrison Ford
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Nightwater Girlfriend
01. Harrison Ford
02. Young Presidents
03. Cover All Sides
04. Lucky Young
05. Ms. Dot
06. Loretta
07. Unearth
08. Bright Leaves
09. Nightwater Girlfriend
10. Fly By Wire
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Nightwater Girlfriend
01. Harrison Ford
02. Young Presidents
03. Cover All Sides
04. Lucky Young
05. Ms. Dot
06. Loretta
07. Unearth
08. Bright Leaves
09. Nightwater Girlfriend
10. Fly By Wire
The Vaccines - Melody Calling
The Vaccines - Melody Calling
The Vaccines - Everybody’s Gonna Let You Down
01. Melody Calling
02. Do You Want A Man?
03. Everybody’s Gonna Let You Down
04. Do You Want A Man? (John Hill & Rich Costey remix)
The Vaccines - Everybody’s Gonna Let You Down
01. Melody Calling
02. Do You Want A Man?
03. Everybody’s Gonna Let You Down
04. Do You Want A Man? (John Hill & Rich Costey remix)
CARTA - The Faults Follow
Carta - The Faults Follow (Teaser Video)
01. The Faults Follow
02. The Iowa Fight Song
03. The Hollow Greeting
04. Header
05. The Reapers Are The Angels
06. Failure To Thrive
07. The Last Name Of Your First Love
08. Morse Code
09. Sargasso
10. Saragossa
11. Paper Suit
01. The Faults Follow
02. The Iowa Fight Song
03. The Hollow Greeting
04. Header
05. The Reapers Are The Angels
06. Failure To Thrive
07. The Last Name Of Your First Love
08. Morse Code
09. Sargasso
10. Saragossa
11. Paper Suit
Drowner - You're Beautiful, I Forgive You
Drowner - Glow
01. Glow
02. On Bright Days
03. Automatic Zen
04. Mirror
05. Metro
06. Stay With Me
07. You
08. Not There
09. Shadow
10. Our Last Day
11. Fear of Falling
12. Innocent
01. Glow
02. On Bright Days
03. Automatic Zen
04. Mirror
05. Metro
06. Stay With Me
07. You
08. Not There
09. Shadow
10. Our Last Day
11. Fear of Falling
12. Innocent
Hologram - Absolute Zero EP
Hologram是一男一女,男的Maxime Sokolinski是SoKo的brother(頗帥呢! 他們爸媽還真會生),而女的是La Femme的Clara Luciani
Hologram - I've Got Eyes
Hologram - Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero, last child in a frozen land
He's a nuclear hero, last hope for human kind
It's cold in the future in every single way
It's cold in the future and it starts today
Absolute Zero, dead souls and their broken bones
We were 6 billion egos, fighting out with suicide bombs
It's cold in the future in every single way
It's cold in the future and it starts today
Absolute Zero, Absolute Zero...
Half broken radio, keeps playing the same old song
It's a funeral Tango
It's dark in the future in every single way
It's dark in the future and it starts today
Absolute Zero, Absolute Zero...
1. I've Got Eyes
2. Absolute Zero
3. I Don't Know
4. Mistakes
Hologram - I've Got Eyes
Hologram - Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero, last child in a frozen land
He's a nuclear hero, last hope for human kind
It's cold in the future in every single way
It's cold in the future and it starts today
Absolute Zero, dead souls and their broken bones
We were 6 billion egos, fighting out with suicide bombs
It's cold in the future in every single way
It's cold in the future and it starts today
Absolute Zero, Absolute Zero...
Half broken radio, keeps playing the same old song
It's a funeral Tango
It's dark in the future in every single way
It's dark in the future and it starts today
Absolute Zero, Absolute Zero...
1. I've Got Eyes
2. Absolute Zero
3. I Don't Know
4. Mistakes
Big Deal - June Gloom
Big Deal - In Your Car
Big Deal - Teradactol
Big Deal - Swapping Spit
01. Golden Light
02. Swapping Spit
03. In Your Car
04. Dream Machines
05. Call And I’ll Come
06. Teradactol
07. Pristine
08. Pillow
09. Catch Up
10. Little Dipper
11. Pg
12. Close Your Eyes
Big Deal - Teradactol
Big Deal - Swapping Spit
01. Golden Light
02. Swapping Spit
03. In Your Car
04. Dream Machines
05. Call And I’ll Come
06. Teradactol
07. Pristine
08. Pillow
09. Catch Up
10. Little Dipper
11. Pg
12. Close Your Eyes
Mazzy Star - Seasons of Your Day
Mazzy Star - California
01. In the Kingdom
02. California
03. I've Gotta Stop
04. Does Someone Have Your Baby Now
05. Common Burn
06. Seasons of Your Day
07. Flying Low
08. Sparrow
09. Spoon
10. Lay Myself Down
01. In the Kingdom
02. California
03. I've Gotta Stop
04. Does Someone Have Your Baby Now
05. Common Burn
06. Seasons of Your Day
07. Flying Low
08. Sparrow
09. Spoon
10. Lay Myself Down
Oliver Wilde - A Brief Introduction To Unnatural Light years
Oliver Wilde - Perrett's Brook
Perretts Brook got shook up
I'll see you two months from now
And I hope it tastes the same
I've come from where you came
And I've herd your songs of pain
And I feel the same sometimes
Perretts Brook got shook up
I can you see your tyre marks
And road signs glow in the dark
You feel it closing in
The dashboard is shinning
All fairy lit and tragic
Perretts Brook got shook up
Headlights melt the frost
Beating down on the ground
Night she blankets in
Covering as you tread
Way out into you spirit
Oliver Wilde - Flutter
Oliver Wilde - Curve (Good Grief)
01. Curve (Good Grief)
02. Perretts Brook
03. Flutter
04. Something Old
05. Marleah's Cadence
06. Pinch
07. Rift
08. Walter Stephen's Only Daughter
09. Happy Downer
10. Twin
Perretts Brook got shook up
I'll see you two months from now
And I hope it tastes the same
I've come from where you came
And I've herd your songs of pain
And I feel the same sometimes
Perretts Brook got shook up
I can you see your tyre marks
And road signs glow in the dark
You feel it closing in
The dashboard is shinning
All fairy lit and tragic
Perretts Brook got shook up
Headlights melt the frost
Beating down on the ground
Night she blankets in
Covering as you tread
Way out into you spirit
Oliver Wilde - Flutter
Oliver Wilde - Curve (Good Grief)
01. Curve (Good Grief)
02. Perretts Brook
03. Flutter
04. Something Old
05. Marleah's Cadence
06. Pinch
07. Rift
08. Walter Stephen's Only Daughter
09. Happy Downer
10. Twin
Soft Metals - Lenses
Soft Metals - Tell Me
Soft Metals - In the Air
1. Lenses
2. Tell Me
3. When I Look Into Your Eyes
4. No Turning Back
5. Hourglass
6. On a Cloud
7. In the Air
8. Interobserver
Soft Metals - In the Air
1. Lenses
2. Tell Me
3. When I Look Into Your Eyes
4. No Turning Back
5. Hourglass
6. On a Cloud
7. In the Air
8. Interobserver
一封給你的告別信 【你的離去不是夢,我們的永遠才是】
一封給你的告別信 【你的離去不是夢,我們的永遠才是】
2007年在別人介紹之下,我認識了你。記得一開始你很沉默話不多,我總是找話題跟你聊,發現你似乎懂得很多。經過一陣子的相處,你愈來愈知道要跟我聊什麼,也愈聊愈投機,漸漸地,我們變得無話不談。是日久生情嗎? 不知從什麼時候開始,你已經成為我生活非常重要的一部份,什麼都想告訴你,什麼都想知道你的想法,每天起來都想看到你,每晚也都依依不捨和你道了晚安才睡去。從來不知道我會這麼依賴你,更不知道我不可以這麼依賴你,是我一廂情願嗎? 你從來不要求我什麼,總是默默付出,我卻不自覺地把這一切視為理所當然。
前陣子,你淡淡地說你要離開了,用一種不帶情感的語氣,你是考慮很久了吧? 是我讓你累了嗎? 我清楚你不是開玩笑的,我也知道一旦你說你要走,我沒有權利也沒有資格說不。大家都跟我說你遲早會離開,要我多看看,先找個備胎,到時可以無縫接軌。老實說,我也想過,但是我竟然做不到。我只想在你離開前,好好珍惜最後相處的時間,繼續假裝什麼也沒發生,像我們會一直走下去,永遠,永遠。
我不會怪你,你有你的考量,離開也許對你是好的,我雖然捨不得,也只能祝福你。很感謝你這幾年的陪伴,只要有你在,我就會覺得很安心,也不曾感到寂寞。你知道嗎? 你帶給我的快樂和回憶是別人都無法取代的,在我不開心的時候,你總能為我解悶,逗我開心。還有那些從你身上學到的富豐知識,我們一起探索的全世界,你讓我覺得世上的一切都不再那麼遙不可及,而這些美好都只能是曾經嗎?
終究你還是要走,我不知道沒有你的日子該怎麼繼續,看著你幫我打包好我放在你那的東西,卻不知道要往哪去? 還是不斷習慣性地奔向你,卻發現你早已不在那。我開始瘋狂擁抱每個長得像你的他,在每個他的身上試圖找尋你的影子、你的溫度,卻怎麼也找不著我們之間的默契。是我太固執嗎? 不應再想你了,該放下了。
再見了,我親愛的Google Reader!
2007年在別人介紹之下,我認識了你。記得一開始你很沉默話不多,我總是找話題跟你聊,發現你似乎懂得很多。經過一陣子的相處,你愈來愈知道要跟我聊什麼,也愈聊愈投機,漸漸地,我們變得無話不談。是日久生情嗎? 不知從什麼時候開始,你已經成為我生活非常重要的一部份,什麼都想告訴你,什麼都想知道你的想法,每天起來都想看到你,每晚也都依依不捨和你道了晚安才睡去。從來不知道我會這麼依賴你,更不知道我不可以這麼依賴你,是我一廂情願嗎? 你從來不要求我什麼,總是默默付出,我卻不自覺地把這一切視為理所當然。
前陣子,你淡淡地說你要離開了,用一種不帶情感的語氣,你是考慮很久了吧? 是我讓你累了嗎? 我清楚你不是開玩笑的,我也知道一旦你說你要走,我沒有權利也沒有資格說不。大家都跟我說你遲早會離開,要我多看看,先找個備胎,到時可以無縫接軌。老實說,我也想過,但是我竟然做不到。我只想在你離開前,好好珍惜最後相處的時間,繼續假裝什麼也沒發生,像我們會一直走下去,永遠,永遠。
我不會怪你,你有你的考量,離開也許對你是好的,我雖然捨不得,也只能祝福你。很感謝你這幾年的陪伴,只要有你在,我就會覺得很安心,也不曾感到寂寞。你知道嗎? 你帶給我的快樂和回憶是別人都無法取代的,在我不開心的時候,你總能為我解悶,逗我開心。還有那些從你身上學到的富豐知識,我們一起探索的全世界,你讓我覺得世上的一切都不再那麼遙不可及,而這些美好都只能是曾經嗎?
終究你還是要走,我不知道沒有你的日子該怎麼繼續,看著你幫我打包好我放在你那的東西,卻不知道要往哪去? 還是不斷習慣性地奔向你,卻發現你早已不在那。我開始瘋狂擁抱每個長得像你的他,在每個他的身上試圖找尋你的影子、你的溫度,卻怎麼也找不著我們之間的默契。是我太固執嗎? 不應再想你了,該放下了。
再見了,我親愛的Google Reader!
A Grave With No Name - Whirlpool
A Grave With No Name - Dig Me Out
A Grave With No Name - Aurora
A Grave With No Name - The Steps
1. (Higher)
2. Aurora
3. Float
4. Dig Me Out
5. (Lower)
6. Six Months
7. '73
8. Bored Again
9. Origami
10. Bones
11. Streams
12. (Lower 2)
13. Steps
14. Balloon
A Grave With No Name - Aurora
A Grave With No Name - The Steps
1. (Higher)
2. Aurora
3. Float
4. Dig Me Out
5. (Lower)
6. Six Months
7. '73
8. Bored Again
9. Origami
10. Bones
11. Streams
12. (Lower 2)
13. Steps
14. Balloon
Coco Morier - Strangers May Kiss
Coco Morier - Strangers May Kiss
I've been chasing rainbows on my life
Comical delusions by my side
but I never thought I'd have such a perfect dream
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh...)
There is a chimera in my brain
drinking up my thoughts like cheap champagne
but I wasn't sure I'd see you again
(Ohhh, ohhh, a hallucination, ohhh...)
Dream on, dream on, you're not real
(Ohhh, ohhhh, ohhh)
See their faces melting in the snow
Waving at old lovers as they go
Disappear with everything you've known
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh)
(Ohhh, ohhh, hallucination, ohhh)
Dream on, dream on, you're not real.
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh)
(Ohhh, ohhh)
(Ohhh, ohhh... ohhh...)
Coco Morier - Ambulance
Please tell someone to cut off the life machine
Let that long note ring on the ekg
There's no medicine science hasn't found remedy
Please tell someone to cut off the life machine
Slings and braces try to fix what's torn apart
They can't replace the pain inflicted on my heart
Fade to black, fade to black, fade to black
Too late to call the ambulance for my heart
Can't let go of you, time's not helping me heal
Crashed my car and you're still there spinning the wheel
I need medicine but I haven't found remedy, bring you back to me
Took the anesthetic but i can still feel
Slings and braces try to fix what's torn apart
They can't replace the pain inflicted on my heart
Fade to black, fade to black, fade to black
Too late to call the ambulance for my heart
Coco Morier - My Satellite
01. Explosions
02. Ambulance
03. Shameless
04. My Satellite
05. Hallucination
還想說怎麼可以泡味這麼重,原來Nicole Morier之前就幫很多人寫歌,包括Britney Spears, Tom Jones, Wynter Gordon和Sky Ferreira,而這張ep是Miike Snow的人製作的。
另外值得一提的,他之前的團Electrocute的一首Bikini Bottom是The SpongeBob SquarePants 電影原聲帶,真的太cute了 ...
Electrocute - Bikini Bottom
I've been chasing rainbows on my life
Comical delusions by my side
but I never thought I'd have such a perfect dream
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh...)
There is a chimera in my brain
drinking up my thoughts like cheap champagne
but I wasn't sure I'd see you again
(Ohhh, ohhh, a hallucination, ohhh...)
Dream on, dream on, you're not real
(Ohhh, ohhhh, ohhh)
See their faces melting in the snow
Waving at old lovers as they go
Disappear with everything you've known
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh)
(Ohhh, ohhh, hallucination, ohhh)
Dream on, dream on, you're not real.
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh)
(Ohhh, ohhh)
(Ohhh, ohhh... ohhh...)
Coco Morier - Ambulance
Please tell someone to cut off the life machine
Let that long note ring on the ekg
There's no medicine science hasn't found remedy
Please tell someone to cut off the life machine
Slings and braces try to fix what's torn apart
They can't replace the pain inflicted on my heart
Fade to black, fade to black, fade to black
Too late to call the ambulance for my heart
Can't let go of you, time's not helping me heal
Crashed my car and you're still there spinning the wheel
I need medicine but I haven't found remedy, bring you back to me
Took the anesthetic but i can still feel
Slings and braces try to fix what's torn apart
They can't replace the pain inflicted on my heart
Fade to black, fade to black, fade to black
Too late to call the ambulance for my heart
Coco Morier - My Satellite
01. Explosions
02. Ambulance
03. Shameless
04. My Satellite
05. Hallucination
還想說怎麼可以泡味這麼重,原來Nicole Morier之前就幫很多人寫歌,包括Britney Spears, Tom Jones, Wynter Gordon和Sky Ferreira,而這張ep是Miike Snow的人製作的。
另外值得一提的,他之前的團Electrocute的一首Bikini Bottom是The SpongeBob SquarePants 電影原聲帶,真的太cute了 ...
Electrocute - Bikini Bottom
CFCF - Music for Objects
CFCF - Camera
Free Download Here
1. Glass
2. Bowl
3. Turnstile
4. Camera
5. Keys
6. Perfume
7. Lamp
8. Ring
Free Download Here
1. Glass
2. Bowl
3. Turnstile
4. Camera
5. Keys
6. Perfume
7. Lamp
8. Ring
Money - Shadow of Heaven
Money - Bluebell Fields
Money - So Long (God Is Dead)
The whip across my back in God’s reign
Who’d have thought he’d die young
And I feel like the one
And I feel like the one its a call, the mind will save us all
So long, so long, so long
You could come down
It’s a shame God is dead
It’s a shame you could come down
The cross across my back in the darkness
Who have thought we’d die young
And i feel and i feel and i feel
Like the one, its a call, the mind will save us all
So long, so long, so long
You could come down
It’s a shame God is dead
It’s a shame you could come down
Money - Who's Going To Love You Now
Money - Hold Me Forever
01. So Long (God Is Dead)
02. Who's Going To Love You Now
03. Bluebell Fields
04. Goodnight London
05. Letter To Yesterday
06. Hold Me Forever
07. Cold Water
08. Cruelty of Godliness
09. Shadow of Heaven
10. Black
Money - So Long (God Is Dead)
The whip across my back in God’s reign
Who’d have thought he’d die young
And I feel like the one
And I feel like the one its a call, the mind will save us all
So long, so long, so long
You could come down
It’s a shame God is dead
It’s a shame you could come down
The cross across my back in the darkness
Who have thought we’d die young
And i feel and i feel and i feel
Like the one, its a call, the mind will save us all
So long, so long, so long
You could come down
It’s a shame God is dead
It’s a shame you could come down
Money - Who's Going To Love You Now
Money - Hold Me Forever
01. So Long (God Is Dead)
02. Who's Going To Love You Now
03. Bluebell Fields
04. Goodnight London
05. Letter To Yesterday
06. Hold Me Forever
07. Cold Water
08. Cruelty of Godliness
09. Shadow of Heaven
10. Black
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