
Connan Mockasin - Caramel


Connan Mockasin - I'm The Man, That Will Find You


Hey, I never get it all right, get it all right
Be my baby, and I will wait you all night, wait you all night long
Be a minute, I've been waiting long for you, you know, you
You be my baby, because I can wait it long time!

I, I'm the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I'm the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I'm the man that will find you

Hey, I never get it all right, all (you know)
You be my baby, cause I've been waiting long for you (you know)
You be my baby, cause I can wait it long time
You, you'll never gonna buy those legs, so I am
Hey baby, cause I can wait it all time!

I, I'm the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I'm the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I'm the man that will find you

Listen to your heart,
When feels right from the start
Your empty kind of strange
Yours is for the past.
Listen to your head
When you're drowning every day.

I, I'm the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I'm the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I'm the man that will find you

I will love you
I'm the man that will find you
I will love you, baby!
I'm the man that will find you
I will lo-oooove you
I'm the man that will find you
I-I-I-I-I love you-uuu
I'm the man that will find you
I will never spend a moment with you single

Connan Mockasin - Do I Make You Feel Shy?


Tell me that you'll never leave me,
You rip inside and you seize me
We'll drifting your heart, we'll make it first love
I'll be the boy of your dreams

Tell me the way that you need me
Look me the way that you please me
Do I make you feel shy? Tell me why,
I'll be the boy of your dreams


Tell me that you'll never leave me,
Tell me the way that you need me
I'll never go, and you'll seize me
But looks ?? you should please me
Must not ?? a boy of its love
I left a flower with my ??
So take to yours and I'll leave you
Locked out of town and I'll please you
Do you think we could try, for the rest of the night
Loving the boy of your dreams


Tell me that you'll never leave me,
Tell me the way that you need me
Took for shy telling you I, I am the boy of your dreams

My Ava lost Eva
My Ava lost Eva
My Ava lost Eva
My Ava lost Eva
My Ava lost Eva
My Ava lost Eva

01. Nothing Lasts Forever
02. Caramel
03. I'm The Man, That Will Find You
04. Do I Make You Feel Shy?
05. Why Are You Crying?
06. It's Your Body 1
07. It's Your Body 2
08. It's Your Body 3
09. It's Your Body 4
10. It's Your Body 5
11. I Wanna Roll With You

上一張Forever Dolphin Love也很好聽,而且封面比這張好看多了

Connan Mockasin - It's Choade My Dear


I'm a China toad
But I'm in filing mode
Please take it off
Please take it off

I have four arms to see things through,
For fetching food, so we can't stop
Please take it off
All I ask is once again

It's Boston and his friend,
Stops in the haunt again,
Rising from down below

It's Choade and, sure the black dog,
Sure the black dog,
Lose my friend,
It's Choade my dear,
Alone my dear,
Please let go to.

I'm a China toad
But I’m in reckless mode
Please take it off
Please take it off

I have four arms and I have lost my choade
For fetching food, so we can't stop
Please take it off
All I ask is once again

Diane Coffee - My Friend Fish

Diane Coffee - Green

Diane Coffee - Tale of a Dead Dog

Diane Coffee - Hymn

01. Hymn
02. Never Lonely
03. Tale of a Dead Dog
04. WWWoman
05. New Years
06. All The Young Girls
07. When It’s Known
08. That Stupid Girl Who Runs a Lot
09. Eat Your Love (With Sriracha)
10. Green


Beck - Morning Phase

Beck - I Won't Be Long


The time is almost over
People are evolving
so come a little closer
I try now I can’t fight it
… being invective …
I’m counting down the minutes
From an hourglass full of ice

I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long, long, long
I won’t be long, long, long

Can’t you hear the catchy station
Coming from another car
Broken recognition
No one has a clue where we are
Cause things are getting silly
We’re covered in a secret
Buried in voluptuary
Cause there’s nowhere else to keep it

I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long, long, long
I won’t be long, long, long

I won’t be long,
I won’t be long,
I won’t be long, long, long
I won’t be long, long, long
I won’t be long, long, long
I won’t be long, long, long

Oh so silently we go
Oh so silently we go
Oh so silently we go

Beck - Gimme


Off we go
Yes I'm dreaming
I've no idea
You see
Off we go
Yes I'm dreamin
Oh oh oh oh
All I want is to die
So lonely
oh oh oh oh
All day long
So lonely
Oh oh oh oh
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie
Off we go
Cause I'm dreaming
I've no idea
You see
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie
All I know is to die
So lonely
All day long
Oh oh oh oh
Ah ah ah ah ah ah
So Lonely
Off we go
Yes I'm Dreaming

Oh My God ... ??

Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie
Off we go
Yes I'm dreaming
I've no idea
You see
Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie

Beck - Defriended


Lay your arms down
Say your prayer
Live the day before you turn it
Live the day before you turn it
Live the day before you turn it
On and off

Live the day before you turn it
All around

Oh, Karen! (Turn it all around, whoa-oh-oh)
Oh, Karen! (Turn it all around, whoa-oh-oh)

Why are you so confident?
Why are you so confident?
Why are you so confident?

Turn it all around
Turn it all around

Warpaint - Warpaint

Warpaint - Love Is To Die

他們會不會來台灣呢? 呵呵

01 Intro
02 Keep It Healthy
03 Love Is to Die
04 Hi
05 Biggy
06 Teese
07 Disco//very
08 Go in
09 Feeling Alright
10 CC
11 Drive
12 Son


Mogwai - Rave Tapes

Mogwai - Remurdered

Rave Tapes is the new full-length album from Mogwai.

01. Heard About You Last Night
02. Simon Ferocious
03. Remurdered
04. Hexon Bogon
05. Repelish
O6. Master Card
07. Deesh
08. Blues Hour
09. No Medicine For Regret
10. The Lord Is Out Of Control


The Flaming Lips - Peace Sword EP

The Flaming Lips - Peace Sword (Open Your Heart)

The Flaming Lips - If They Move, Shoot ‘Em

The Flaming Lips - Is The Black At The End Good

The Flaming Lips - Think Like A Machine, Not A Boy

The Flaming Lips - Wolf Children

The Flaming Lips - Assassin Beetle – The Dream Is Ending

01. Peace Sword (Open Your Heart)
02. If They Move, Shoot ‘Em
03. Is The Black At The End Good
04. Think Like A Machine, Not A Boy
05. Wolf Children
06. Assassin Beetle – The Dream Is Ending


20131026 月升王國歌單 The Flaming Lips & Explosions in the Sky Setlist Taipei

20131026 月升王國音樂遊園祭歌單
烈燄紅唇和天空爆炸演唱會 (預測曲目)
MOONRISE KINGDOM music & fun festival
The Flaming Lips & Explosions in the Sky Setlist Taipei


到月升王國現場的時候記號士已經表演到一半了,一開始人少得可憐,尤其是國王區。雖然喜歡人少少的演唱會,可是也擔心主辦單位會虧錢,畢竟看得出來蠻用心的。可能是跟超值的野台比起來,月升的票是貴了點,很多人都開不下去。要是天氣不好票可能更不好賣了,還好天氣非常棒,是我最愛的大太陽冷冷天。光是在草地上吃吃喝喝就很開心了,記號士結束後播了The sea and cake - Harps,真開心~ Summer won't go off, cause the sky was never blue~ 不知道為什麼後來就沒有播這種了,中場休息都改播The Wall的廣告Efterklang、Two Door Cinema Club、James Blake、Unknown Mortal Orchestra各播一小段,不斷重播超洗腦的,聽到都快由愛轉恨了。而舞台畫面上時而出現Spotify的logo,但聽說我排的The Flaming Lips和Explosions in the Sky的歌單30首裏,用台灣帳號目前只有4首是可以聽的,真是太可笑了。月升王國場地蠻偏遠,附近也沒什麼東西,所以就躺在草地上放空,玩玩滾大球,聽聽森林->白目->透明雜誌,一下午的時間就過去了,本來還以為會有一些人做萬聖節的妝扮,結果只有少少幾個而已。

到Explosions in the Sky的時候人已經多很多了,其實還蠻期待在戶外聽後搖的,想當年秋虎季的Mogwai,還是此生聽過最棒的現場。也許是太期待了,Explosions in the Sky雖然好聽,但就只是好聽的後搖。可能是現場有很多人是在等接下來的Flaming Lips,其實對Explosions in the Sky興趣缺缺,只要是天空沒有爆炸的時候,他們就一直聊天聊很大聲,還不時嘻嘻哈哈,尤其是外國人們,真得很沒品,爆炸前醞釀的氣氛都被破壞光光了,天空沒爆炸,我都快爆炸了。而且發現在戶外也不是什麼好事,可能是聽後搖真的很適合抽個煙,在戶外大家都毫不避諱的抽著,也不管是不是公共場合,最賤的是那種點了煙也沒什麼在抽一直聊天的,而且都抽紅Marlboro之類超臭的,燻到頭都痛了,要就抽大麻嘛,還比較好聞一點。本來很喜歡戶外表演空氣很流通不會悶,但這麼被四周的二手煙包圍,開始想念室內無煙的表演環境了。

還好Flaming Lips表演的時候,大家不再閒閒地抽煙聊天了,Flaming Lips除了舞台弄得很炫目,主唱Wayne花招真的很多,撒紙花、用大燈掃射,抱著假嬰兒問候聽眾的時候,還有人反問How's the baby? 他真是很花俏又愛做怪的人,難怪當年和Mercury Rev主唱Jonathan一山不容二虎。也許是票不便宜,來的聽眾大多都是很忠實的粉絲,經典的歌都能跟著唱,Do You Realize~ O ~ Oh~ Oh~ Do You Realize that everyone you know someday will die~ 現場的表演真的比聽CD精彩很多,演出的曲目沒什麼意外,本來還期待會不會聽到最新ep的新歌發表。而且最後在接encore曲的時候螢幕上怎麼不是和在日本的時候一樣打上"愛",而是"LOVE",雖然我最想看的是天線寶寶...

總之,還好你沒來,天空沒有爆炸; 可惜你沒來,Flaming Lips love love love.....


Cascading Slopes - Towards a Quaker View of Synthesizers

Cascading Slopes - Maple Trees

Cascading Slopes - Ornaments of the World

Cascading Slopes - The Horns of Archenland

1. Wild Geese
2. Ornaments of the World
3. Maple Trees
4. The Horns of Archenland
5. Snowflake School
6. A Glimpse of Maine
7. Hike No. 22
8. Roads to Michigan
9. Deep in Heaven
10. Trout
11. Carnations
12. Towards Northwest Territories

Spires - Candy Flip

Spires - Candy Flip


Sleep That’s an option I don’t need
Stay, Never abandon me
I was convinced you were a hypnotist
And I’d stay like this forever
But lately I have seen a different side
That had split my mind in two
I Never want to come down
Until till till I can’t hear the sound
Of a hundred thousand drummers beating on the wall
As my head begins to crawl
With hazy visions of a different place
I have never been before
All the stars are shining
Everything is where it ought to be
Journey through your mind
Make arrangements in another time
Constellations form turning backwards and around again
Leaving me to see
I no longer feel this misery
And it feels so good

Spires - Comic Book


Tear away my name from your memory
Are you fooled by some strange amenity?
Don’t pretend you’re losing your patience
I have seen this 10 times before
Oh no, no one’s ever gonna say
Take all your troubles send them off for days
Marching through the streets of an idle town
For sure there’s a way I will bring you down
I can feel the temperature rising Tell myself
I know I’ve been lying Oh no, no one’s ever gonna say
Take all your troubles send them off for days
I don’t know where I’ll go from here but I’m alright
I see the danger looking down on me tonight
Oh no, no one’s ever gonna say
Take all your troubles send them off for day
I see no difference in your mind your world it’s all
Tangled in chaos well
I hope you never call


Milosh - Jetlag

Milosh - Slow Down

Milosh - This Time

01 Do You Want What I Need
02 Hear In You
03 Skipping
04 Don't Call It
05 Jetlag
06 Stakes Ain't High
07 Hold Me
08 Slow Down
09 Water
10 This Time

Dump - The Silent Treatment

Dump - Grasshopper

Dump就是James McNew (Yo La Tengo的bass手)

01 The Silent Treatment
02 Grasshopper
03 Bob and Ray
04 Gladee
05 I Don't Mind
06 Super Xtasis
07 Yo Yo Bye Bye
08 You Say You Don't Love Me
09 Nessa


Edisonnoside - Sadly by your side

Edisonnoside - IF YOU LEAVE

Free download here
and SADLY BY YOUR SIDE is also an iOS app

App 簡介:
Sadly by your side is not just an album, but a synesthetic application; a processing and remixing tool where each song can be endlessly transformed depending on the images you focus on with your camera.
Using custom built software, the visual input is converted into a new image painted with red, blue and black.
Each of these colors directly affects elements of the music. In the end, each track is unique, with a remodeled harmony, melody and rhythm, constructed as a direct result of the environment captured by the camera.
To listen to the song in its original form, focus the app on one of the eight images available in the book Sadly by your side. They contain the exact amount of red, blue and black to produce the right harmony, melody and rhythm.
Book available at the Fabrica store: http://store.fabrica.it/products/sadly-by-your-side
Album available at https://soundcloud.com/fabricamusica/sets/sadly-by-your-side
Sadly by your side is supported on iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, and iPad Mini.

1.People On Bed
2.When I Met You
3.Empty Room I
5.No Need to See
6.If You Leave
8.Empty Room II

Nanome - Everything That Moves

Nanome - Empty House

有點像Ultraísta,有偷用(取樣)Atoms for Peace. Radiohead的東西的嫌疑


she was an empty house
she was an orphanage
she was something he could move into and redecorate
could she be yours

NANOME - To the Woods

NANOME - Plain Talk


01. To the Woods
02. Hurter
03. Plain Talk
04. Empty House
05. Get over Me
06. War
07. Promise Me
08. The Sea
09. Everything That Moves
10. Cave


TOY - Join The Dots

TOY - Join The Dots

1. Conductor
2. You Won’t Be The Same
3. As We Turn
4. Join The Dots
5. To A Death Unknown
6. Endlessly
7. It’s Been So Long
8. Left To Wander
9. Too Far Gone To Know
10. Frozen Atmosphere
11. Fall Out Of Love

Black Hearted Brother - Stars Are Our Home

Black Hearted Brother - This Is How It Feels

Black Hearted Brother - (I Don't Mean To) Wonder

01. Stars Are Our Home
02. (I Don’t Mean to) Wonder
03. This Is How It Feels
04. Got Your Love
05. If I Was Here to Change Your Mind
06. UFO
07. Time in the Machine
08. Oh Crust
09. Take Heart
10. My Baby Just Sailed Away
11. I’m Back
12. Look Out Here They Come


Boardwalk - Boardwalk

Boardwalk - I'm to Blame


I'm wrong
It's my fault
'Cause I like
A good fight

Doesn't matter how we try
We can't get it right
You and I are not the same
And I think I'm to blame
I think I'm to blame

Doesn't matter how we try
We can't get it right
You and I are not the same
And I think I'm to blame
I think I'm to blame

Boardwalk - Crying


It builds up
Inside me
I can't stop crying

There's no use
In trying
I can't stop crying

I know
You told me
But pride
Comes before the fall

It builds up
Inside me
I can't stop crying

01. I'm Not Myself
02. What's Love
03. Crying
04. Keep the Wolf
05. As a Man
06. It's Over
07. High Water
08. Oh Well
09. Some Things
10. I'm To Blame


Perera Elsewhere - Everlast

Perera Elsewhere - Bizarre

01.Drunk Man
02.Giddy ft. Gonjasufi
03.Bizarre 02:41
04.Light Bulb
05.Ebora ft. Aremu
06.Dreamt That Dream
07.Shady ft. Springintgut
10.The Zap
12.Dimmed Down


Molly Nilsson - The Travels

Molly Nilsson - Dear Life


Dear Life,
I would never call you a bitch
All my miseries have made me rich
Dear Life, you know I love you secretly
even when you're talking dirty to me
And I'm not only saying this cause I'm drunk
(though I am) I should tell you more often
if I think that I can
I really mean it, I really mean it
I really really mean it tonight

Take me through these avenues and boulevards
my rushing blood is a racing car tonight
I felt so high on life
These endless streets, my tired feet
are gonna get us far from wherever we are tonight
it felt so close tonight

Dear Life,
you felt so close tonight

From the airplane window the cities far below
look like glowing vomits in the snow
These sails will bring me where the wind is gonna blow
where we'll go don't tell me cause I don't wanna know

Dear Life,
you felt so close tonight

Molly Nilsson - Going Places


Yesterday we drove to the other side of town
but most night we're only riding around
We talk about the holidays we never take
and it seems like we're always on the make
I know we've gone through phases
but we're always going places
I know we're going places

I always had the feeling my life would be magic
I guess everybody feels that way
When life is sublime like the other night
It just seems so hard to die
I only feel alive when it stings me a little inside
We're going places tonight
We're going places all the time
We're going places in our minds
We're going places all the time

Our dreams were always to big to fit in one night
so we have to dream with our eyes open wide
When you're dreams come true they abandon you
until you find some new
We're going places tonight
We're going places all the time
We're going places in our minds
We're going places all the time

01 Worlds Apart
02 Philadelphia
03 Dirty Fingers
04 The Power Ballad
05 Atlantic Tales
06 Omega
07 Dear Life
08 Going Places
09 City
10 Ten New Lives
11 Kumla
12 Out There