
Robert Gomez - Earth Underfoot

Robert Gomez - Words You Spent

01. Earth Underfoot
02. Gently
03. Ghost
04. Out Alive
05. Two Teeth
06. Words You Spent
07. Periscope
08. Kaboom
09. Looking
10. Glissando
11. One Teeth
12. Tersus
13. Still Alive


Rainy Day Women - Ain't It Time?

Rainy Day Women - Mars

Rainy Day Women - Mrs Jones

Rainy Day Women - Friends

01. Mars
02. Friends
03. Only You
04. Girl
05. Mrs. Jones
06. Distance
07. I've Always Wanted
08. Always On My Mind
09. Ain't It Time?
10. On Your Side
11. Hate To Say
12. Say You'll Be The Same
13. Losing Sleep


Other Mountains - Mare's Nest

Other Mountains - Mare's Nest

01. Gaslighting
02. Life Is Full of Awkward Goodbyes, What’s One More?
03. Bread And Circus
04. Onsen
05. Slaves
06. Bulkhead
07. People Are Not Good To Each Other And I Suppose They Never Will Be
08. Just The Fucking Earth
09. Wake
10. Alter Altar
11. Resting Place

Arp - Pulsars e Quasars

Arp - Pulsars e Quasars

01. Suns
02. Pulsars e Quasars
03. Chromatiques II (Extended Mix)
04. UHF1
05. On Returning
06. The Violet Hour (Film Dub)
07. New Persuasions (Version by Le R‚v‚lateur)


To The Wedding - Silver Currents

To The Wedding - Come On


Hey you hey you, coming down strong now it's happening slowly
You're letting go now oh, into the wonders of your mind
So come on let me have it come on
Hey you hey you, coming up strong now, taking it all on
Letting it have you
Come on, let me have it come on

1.Brightest Light
2.Come On
5.Silver Currents
6.Set Fire
7.Time Pilot


The Townhouses - Ill​-​Fitting

The Townhouses - Magpie

你看見了什麼? 我看見了恰如其分的浪漫

1. Easy
2. Nag Champa
3. Gap Year
4. Pressbyrån
5. Theatres
6. Suburban Curve
7. Magpie
8. Good Taste


Moodoïd - Le Monde Möö

Moodoïd - La lune

如果你也剛好想念來自法國的Melody's Echo Chamber(Melody Prochet),Moodoïd是他的吉他手Pablo Padovani的團,新專輯Le Monde Möö找來他們的好朋友Kevin Parker of Tame Impala合作。整張聽下來Connan Mockasin的影響也很明顯

01. Les garçons veulent de la magie
02. La lune
03. Machine metal
04. Bleu est le feu
05. Les oiseaux
06. Yes & You
07. Bongo bongo club
08. Les chemins de traverse
09. Heavy Metal Be Bop 2
10. Les filles font que le temps est jouissif
11. Je suis la montagne (Bonus EP)
12. La chanson du ciel de diamants (Bonus EP)
13. De folie pure (Bonus EP)
14. Je sais ce que tu es (Bonus EP)


Absolutely Free - Absolutely Free

Absolutely Free - Beneath The Air

現代人把對生活的記憶也放在雲端,拍照上傳分享分享分享,好像透過這樣的儀式,自己生活的一部分就會保存下來了,然後就可以很快地從自己腦內的快取記憶體中釋放。美好的當下只忙著拍出引人入勝的照片,並想著怎麼為這次的分享寫下最煽動的註解,忘了怎麼好好感受生活,忘了沒有雲的日子。這樣沒有什麼不好,日子很輕鬆,只是有點可惜。 還有,別忘了一定要tag #YOLO

1. Window of Time
2. Beneath The Air
3. Striped Light
4. Burred Lens
5. Earth II
6. My Dim Age
7. Vision’s
8. Spiral Jetty


Phoenix Taipei 8.12. 2014 演唱會後心得

Phoenix Taipei 8.12. 2014 演唱會後心得

《這一晚大家都染上了李斯特狂熱症 (Lisztomania)》

真的是非常Entertainment的一場演唱會! 不到七點進場,整個Legacy已經滿滿都是人了,不像之前有的圍了半場還很鬆散,Sold Out果然不一樣,看到外面還有人在徵票,感覺特別爽(好壞心)。沒有暖場團,等了一個多小時才開始,但第一首Entertainment的前奏一出來,大家就像暖好身了一樣,一秒變熱血。Phoenix特有快而明確的節奏在鼓手賣力地演出下,帶動了全場。而聚光燈和頓點在主唱Thomas身上顯得特別帥氣,真不虧是教父的女婿(老婆Sofia Coppola是教父導演的女兒,曾在教父3裏演出Al Pacino的女兒),他不斷鼓舞大家跳舞,可惜後來像爆動大家都擠成一團,只能黏在一起跳一起唱一起叫,而吉他手Christian Mazzalai則是不停風騷地扭腰擺臀,似乎不想讓Thomas專美於前,完全沒有冷場的機會。

整場表演差不多一個小時。雖然感覺等很久可是表演一下就結束了,不過感覺整個set很完整,該唱的都唱到了,大家也都被搞得很歡樂。就像大家都染上了李斯特狂熱症Lisztomania(Liszt fever),那是指19世紀大家對浪漫主義音樂李斯特Franz Liszt的狂熱,當他演出時台下的觀眾就像著了魔一般,就像後來的Beatlemania是對Beatles的狂熱,昨天大家對Phoenix主唱Thomas Mars的尖叫推擠亂摸,就是這麼回事吧! 演出之前我就知道自己一定會很不冷靜,但我沒想到全場的人都這麼不冷靜,不知道是不是跟大家在表演前都多灌了一瓶贈送的海尼根有關。

剛好買到票號191, ew...191 哈哈


The Real Thing
Too Young / Girlfriend
Trying to Be Cool / Drakkar Noir / Chloroform
S.O.S. in Bel Air
Consolation Prizes

If I Ever Feel Better / Funky Squaredance
Entertainment (Reprise)

Phoenix - Lisztomania

Phoenix - Chloroform (三氯甲烷) 由導演老婆Sofia Coppola導的這支mv就有點像得了Lisztomania,可是整支mv我都很想問是在哭屁啊? Phoenix再怎麼感動,對我來說還是個很歡樂的團,實在哭不出來啊


Johnny Aries - Unbloomed

Johnny Aries - This Grave Is My Bed Tonight

從Two Wounded Birds解散之後,Johnny Aries就加入The Drums去跑巡迴,現在他終於要出個人專輯了,熟悉的Two Wounded Birds聲音又回來了

01. Unbloomed
02. This Grave Is My Bed Tonight
03. Bodybag
04. We’re Just Girls And Boys
05. To Be Desired
06. Human Nature
07. I’m A Dreamer
08. Ambulette Tape
09. You Belong To Me
10. Great Expectations


The Raveonettes - Pe'ahi

The Raveonettes - Sisters

The Raveonettes - Endless Sleeper

The Raveonettes - Killer in the Streets

01. Endless Sleeper
02. Sisters
03. Killer in the Streets
04. Wake Me Up
05. Z-Boys
06. A Hell Below
07. The Rains of May
08. Kill!
09. When Night Is Almost Done
10. Summer Ends

The Drums - Encyclopedia

The Drums - Magic Mountain

The Drums - I Can't Pretend

01. Magic Mountain
02. I Can't Pretend
03. I Hope Times Doesn't Change Him
04. Kiss Me Again
05. Let Me
06. Break My Heart
07. Face Of God
08. U.S. National Park
09. Deep In My Heart
10. Bell Laboratories
11. There Is Nothing Left
12. Wild Geese


Slowdive Taipei 7.23. 2014 演唱會後心得

Slowdive Taipei 7.23. 2014 演唱會後心得

《幹! 到底Slowdive的樂器是誰提供的啦!? 本來想給這場表演幾霸昏的,現在必須給冷霸昏了!!》

從第一天就買好票,期待好久,深怕颱風來攪局。前一天颱風假一公佈,想說一定是天賜涼機,沒想到Slowdive的facebook上就說他們到台灣了,可是器材都還在芝加哥。還好他們堅持演出,沒有要取消,還請大家幫他們揍樂器。本來很擔心會要乾瞪鞋,還看到有人說叫他們表演Dagger(這首本來就只有木吉他) 25次,其實Dagger正是我最愛的一首,不帶電也能讓人飄,可惜這首本來就不在這次tour的setlist中。此外,又怕借來的器材做不出正宗原味的Slowdive,但想想也許這樣反而會意外有趣,至少會是傳奇性的一次演出。好險後來靠大家在facebook上發出的求救訊號,順利地揍齊了設備。

當晚7點左右到The Wall以為可以進場了,沒想到長長的人龍排到天邊了,入場時間可能要到8點,索性不排隊了,在裏面吹冷氣等最後再進去。雖然進去的時候暖場團已經開始了,人很多,冷氣完全不夠吹,一直冒汗,但Slowdive一出場,就覺得一切都值得。沒想到臨時借來的設備還能發揮的這麼完美,而且每一首歌都很棒,甚至懷疑是不是比用他們自己的樂器還棒。音場也很ok,整場表演都像腳沒著地的感覺,靈魂在音樂裏slowdive,完全可以想見這個名字是一個什麼樣的夢。從頭嗨到尾,最後還來個第二次安可,還好有衝到前面喊安可,真的有喊有希望,即便他們表示準備的歌都表演完了,還是很有誠意的再次送上Golden Hair。這一晚太迷人、太不可思議了,還有不得不提Rachel Goswell的笑容,好甜哦!

會後樂手還出來跟大家簽名合照,幸運地與Simon Scott和Nick Chaplin拍到照,我還跟Nick說「這把bass比你自己的好吼?」他還回說「對、對、對」。真的很感謝那些借出自己寶貝的樂迷,才讓這場表演成真,因為那些熱心的樂迷,本來想給這場表演幾霸昏的,現在必須給冷霸昏了!


Catch the Breeze
Crazy for You
Machine Gun
Blue Skied an' Clear
Souvlaki Space Station
When the Sun Hits
She Calls
Golden Hair (Syd Barrett cover)
40 Days
Encore 2:  (粗體必要)
Golden Hair (Syd Barrett cover)

Neil Halstead - Dagger


Lowtide - Lowtide

Lowtide - Lowtide


4.Blue Movie
5.Wedding Ring
7.Missing History
8.Maxillæ Leaving, Seaward
9.Still Time


Foxes in Fiction - Ontario Gothic

Foxes in Fiction - Shadow's Song (Violin by Owen Pallett)


1. March 2011
2. Into The Fields
3. Glow (v079)
4. Shadow's Song
5. Ontario Gothic
6. Amanda
7. Altars


Pale Seas - Places To Haunt EP

Pale Seas - Evil Is Always One Step Behind

記憶真的是個很奇怪的東西,最近常常想起在美國開車的畫面,尤其是有一次暴風雪的晚上自己一個人開著車。這個記憶像惡魔般如影隨形,時不時偷襲我一下,而我好像也喜歡上它這樣出現。.... 《Evil Is Always One Step Behind》JBNP

1. Different For Once
2. Wicked Dreams
3. Sleeping
4. Evil Is Always One Step Behind


Hostess Club Taipei 6.19 Sohn, TOY, Blonde Redhead 心得

Hostess Club Taipei 6.19 Sohn, TOY, Blonde Redhead 演唱會後心得

《玩具被玩壞了,還好Blonde Redhead救援成功!》

晚上7:30左右一進Legacy,怎麼人這麼少? 雖然後來有比較多,但還是比我預期的少,雖然我喜歡人少少的演唱會,但票房還蠻令人擔憂的

Sohn這名字好! 你好~ 我就是爽! 他真的很會唱,清唱也超穩的,還蠻棒的,不過可以感覺得出來,今天大部份來的人都不是他的fans,畢竟他跟TOY、Blonde Redhead比較不同掛

TOY今天不知怎麼了,聲音超雜亂的,只有大聲,真的就只有大聲,一點層次都沒有,感覺人聲跟部份低音只有左邊有出來。二三首後,實在受不了,只好自己從前面的中間往後方移再偏左一點,才稍微好一點,但還是離他們該有的漂亮噪音很遠,感覺現場整個面目全非,很多地方都需要自己腦補,還好最後三首的時候,酒已經喝了差不多了,可以享受到一點現場的音牆。坦白說,蠻失望的,如果我沒聽過他們的音樂,第一次聽他們的現場,我一定會以為他們是很爛的團。因為Blonde Redhead已經聽過了,所以這次我是衝著TOY來的,期望很高,可是我心愛的玩具似乎被PA玩壞了,哭哭!

不過也要謝謝TOY,我才有機會再聽一次Blonde Redhead,Falling Man一出來,就有種鬆了口氣的感覺,音場很ok,沒有被搞"雜",太好聽了,比之前聽還棒,一下子就進入高潮,從頭爽到尾,就連沒有發表過的新歌也好讚,感覺這場男主音的比重有拉高,女主音也沒唱那麼多高音的歌,聲音有點顯得微微沙啞,不知道是不是前一場HK的時候有傷到喉嚨。只是感覺音質有點不一樣,但還是非常非常完美,性感破表! 好喜歡~好喜歡~ 連小小聲講Thank You好像哈啾也好迷人!!! Blonde Redhead排在最後一個真是太正確了,還好有他們的完美救援,這一場才能這樣爽爽的結束! 開心~

因為我個人很討厭別人看表演的時候一直拍照,尤其是舉很高,最討厭的是還錄影從頭拍到尾,拍沒完的那種。所以我都是非常快速拿起來拍一張做紀念就馬上收起來,沒管有沒有對焦會不會太糊,看表演都來不及了,哪有時間,超佩服那種還可以馬上上傳打卡的人。總之,上面TOY的照片就是完全Colors Running Out的fu,就像他們這場音場沒有對到焦一樣...


SOHN – Tremors (Live from Paris)
SOHN – Bloodflows (Live from Berlin)
SOHN – Lessons (Live from Hamburg)
SOHN – Veto (Live from Frankfurt)
SOHN – Ransom Notes
SOHN – Tremors
SOHN – Oscillate
SOHN – Veto
SOHN – Tempest
SOHN – Fool
SOHN – Bloodflows
SOHN – Lights
SOHN – Lessons
SOHN – Artifice
SOHN – The Wheel
Toy – Conductor
Toy – Colours Running Out
Toy – Too Far Gone to Know
Toy – Dead & Gone
Toy – Endlessly
Toy – Kopter
Toy – As We Turn
Toy – Left Myself Behind
Toy – Lose My Way
Toy – It's Been so Long
Toy – Fall Out Of Love
Toy – My Heart Skips a Beat
Toy – Motoring
Toy – Join the Dots
Blonde Redhead – No More Honey
Blonde Redhead – Dr Strangeluv
Blonde Redhead – Spring And By Summer Fall
Blonde Redhead – Falling Man
Blonde Redhead – Oslo
Blonde Redhead – Not Getting There
Blonde Redhead – Here Sometimes
Blonde Redhead – Love Or Prison
Blonde Redhead – SW
Blonde Redhead – Equally Damaged
Blonde Redhead – Messenger
Blonde Redhead – In Particular
Blonde Redhead – 23
Blonde Redhead – Melody of Certain Three
Blonde Redhead – Silently
Blonde Redhead – Spain
Blonde Redhead – Equus


Field Mouse - Hold Still Life

Field Mouse - Two Ships

01. A Place You Return to in a Dream
02. Tomorrow Is Yesterday
03. Two Ships
04. Everyone but You
05. Asteroid
06. Reina
07. Netsuke
08. Horizon City
09. Bright Lights
10. Happy
11. Kids
12. Water in the Valley
13. A Place You Return To In A Dream (Acoustic)
14. Everyone But You (Acoustic)
15. Asteroid (Acoustic)
16. Water In The Valley (Acoustic)



Alex G - Hollow

Alex G - Harvey

Alex G - Black Hair

1. After Ur Gone
2. Serpent is Lord
3. Harvey
4. Rejoyce
5. Black Hair
6. Skipper
7. Axesteel
8. Sorry
9. Promise
10. Icehead
11. Hollow
12. Tripper
13. Boy

Blonde Redhead - Barragán

Blonde Redhead - No More Honey

01 Barragán
02 Lady M
03 Dripping
04 Cat on Tin Roof
05 The One I Love
06 No More Honey
07 Mine to Be Had
08 Defeatist Anthem (Harry and I)
09 Penultimo
10 Seven Two


Angus and Julia Stone - Angus and Julia Stone

Angus and Julia Stone - Heart Beats Slow

01. A Heartbreak
02. My Word For It
03. Grizzly Bear
04. Heart Beats Slow
05. Wherever You Are
06. Get Home
07. Death Defying Acts
08. Little Whiskey
09. From The Stalls
10. Other Things
11. Please You
12. Main Street
13. Crash And Burn
14. Do Without
15. All This Love
16. Roses


Robots Don't Sleep – Mirror

Robots Don't Sleep – Trouble

Robot Koch, John LaMonica

Robots Don't Sleep - Don't Wake Me


Repetition of words said backwards,
Falling forward in a negative space,
Constellations in a stream of distorsion
Don't wake me up, don't wake me
Started motion in a stereo spectrum
Time suspended in a stardust noose
Come and go from the same direction
Don't wake me up, don't wake me

Robots Don't Sleep - Happy People

01. Trouble
02. Don’t Wake Me
03. Satellite Falls
04. Mirror
05. Hold It Down
06. Happy People
07. Find A Way
08. Safe Now
09. Without You
10. Arms
11. Run
12. Reverse/Rewind
13. Unstatik


GUM - Delorean Highway

GUM - Misunderstanding (Genesis Cover)

Free download here

Jay Watson(Tame Impala和Pond的成員)的圑GUM(不是英國圑Gum),翻唱Genesis(Phil Collins)的Misunderstanding,現在看這80的歌詞好直好白好芭樂,不過傻傻的很迷人


There must be some misunderstanding
There must be some kind of mistake
I waited in the rain for hours
And you were late

Now it's not like me to say the right thing
But you could've called to let me know
I checked your number twice, don't understand it
So I went home

Well I'd been waiting for this weekend
I thought that maybe we could see a show
Never dreamed I'd have this feeling
Oh but seeing you is believing
That's why I don't know why
You didn't show up that night

There must be some misunderstanding
There must be some kind of mistake
I was waiting in the rain for hours
And you were late

Since then I've been running around trying to find you
I went to the places that we always go
I rang your house but got no answer
Jumped in my car, I went round there
Still don't believe it
He was just leaving

There must be some misunderstanding
There must be some kind of mistake...

GUM - Growin' Up

01. Delorean Highway
02. Growin’ Up
03. The Sky Opened Up
04. Misunderstanding
05. Summer Rain
06. 21st Century Radiation
07. Pink Skies
08. Living And Dying
09. Day Of The Triffids
10. Can’t See Past My Eyes

PAWS - Youth Culture Forever


0:16的公路滑板好爽哦! 真的會讓人產生白日夢冒險王的白日夢,不過在夢到去買滑板訂機票之前,一聽到張曼玉唱歌,白日夢就醒了,他提醒世人築夢也得踏實,於是乎,就變成在桌上玩玩手指滑板了


Let's get roofies straight
I know I shouldn't like you
I know it's too late
Some may say that I'm a geek, know you
But what good will you do if I already knew about you

You've got your guy and I've got mine
Terrible way of dealing with things
How the hell do I hide these feelings

So I don't wanna fool around with your heart
No, I don't wanna fool around with your heart

One whole year has come and gone
Since you sang to me in perfect bird song
This boat gives and floats, I come and I go
Quite literally, girl, I'm talking to you

And I feel bright cause she'll be mine
And I'll make you sad
No, I don't wanna make you sad

So I don't wanna fool around with your heart
No, I don't wanna fool around with your heart

Owls talons clench at my heart
Me and you so young
God knows, I'm with you

We are young and love those little rooms
Everything is here due to you
Makes me look a fool

This is my quiet ode to you
Boy, you'll have to make do
Staple like you, this kind can't come true

So I don't wanna fool around with your heart
No, I don't wanna fool around with your heart
No, I don't wanna fool around with your heart
No, I don't wanna fool around with your heart

PAWS - Tongues

1. Erreur Humaine
2. Tongues
3. Someone New
4. Owls Talon’s Clenching My Heart
5. Give Up
6. Alone
7. An Honest Romance
8. Narcissist
9. Let’s All Let Go
10. Great Bear
11. YCF
12. War Cry <---這首爽!

Craft Spells - Nausea

Craft Spells - Komorebi

Komorebi是日文的"木漏れ日",意思是"陽光從樹間灑落",一直很喜歡陽光照在樹葉透下來的感覺,最喜歡在晴朗的午後躺在樹蔭下往上看,映著陽光的樹葉,隨著微風搖曳,再配上點音樂,再來杯紅酒,再加上個簡單的三明治,哦~媽媽咪呀~ I LOVE YOU!

Craft Spells - Breaking The Angle Against The Tide

1. Nausea
2. Komorebi
3. Changing Faces
4. Untitled
5. Dwindle
6. Twirl
7. Laughing for My Life
8. First Snow
9. If I Could
10. Breaking the Angle Against the Tide 11. Still Fields (October 10,1987)


Camera Shy - Jack-O-Lantern

Camera Shy is a new project from Nick Basset, guitarist and lead songwriter of San Francisco shoegaze act Whirr, and bass player of Nothing. The new band sees Bassett also at the writing helm, accompanied by Whirr vocalist Alexandra Morte, who's radiant vocals can be heard on Whirr's acclaimed 2012 full length, Pipe Dreams, as well their 'June' and 'Part Time Punks' EP's. As Whirr's sound divulges down a slightly foreign path, Camera Shy exists to serve the poppier end of a similar spectrum. Now, the vocals are up front and at times even carry the songs, creating a relaxing dream pop soundscape perfect for summer days outside.

Nick Basset(Deafheaven, Whirr, Nothing的成員)跟Alexandra Morte(Whirr主唱)的新團Camera Shy

Camera Shy - Spin Me

via Noisey

Side A
Secret Word
Come Around
Side B
Spin Me
Over and Over
After Hours


The GOASTT (The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger) - Midnight Sun

The GOASTT (The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger) - Animals

THE GOASTT( The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger) is Sean Lennon & Charlotte Kemp Muhl.

The GOASTT (The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger) - Moth to a Flame

1. Too Deep
2. Xanadu
3. Animals
4. Johannesburg
5. Midnight Sun
6. Last Call
7. Devil You Know
8. Golden Earrings
9. Great Expectations
10. Poor Paul Getty
11. Don't Look Back Orpheus
12. Moth to a Flame

Dream Koala - Earth. Home. Destroyed. EP

Dream Koala - Saturn Boy

Free Download Here

史蒂芬霍金的未來新世界Brave New World with Stephen Hawking提到解決紐約老鼠太多的問題,他們用避孕藥降低老鼠的繁殖,成功減少了老鼠的數量,比毒藥有效又不用殺生。在宇宙大探索Cosmos討論到人類是造就狼演化成狗這個物種的主因,也就是說狗狗是因為人而存在的動物。人類擁有越來越大的力量,足以改變地球的命運,或許物競天擇之下,可愛的北極熊和石虎本來就該被大自然淘汰。其實對老天爺來說地球上的人類就像紐約的老鼠一樣噁心吧?老天製造了天災人禍都無法有效降低地球人口過剩的問題,所以搞一點貧富不均、食安、核能,製造一個不適合人類生活的環境,看看能不能多淘汰一些人類,讓人類不想生小孩或生不出來。貪心的人類啊!自求多福吧!別再向老天祈求什麼世界和平,我想祂只會一邊翻白眼一邊心裏OS「你怎麼不去屎?」

Dream Koala的新 EP 'Earth. Home. Destroyed' 關於 'The storyline paints a future where all the animals disappeared from Earth, where the oceans are devouring the continents and where the harmony of nature was broken by humans. '

1.Saturn Boy
3.From The Sun
5.A Cosmic Landscape

Oliver Wilde - Red Tide Opal In The Loose End Womb

Oliver Wilde - Play & Be Saved

Oliver Wilde - Stomach Full of Cats

01 On This Morning
02 Stomach Full of Cats
03 St.Elmo's Fire
04 Say Yes to Ewans
05 Plume
06 Smiler
07 Play & Be Saved
08 Pull
09 Rest Less
10 Balance Out
11 Night in Timelapse(somewhere safe)
12 Vessel


Television Personalities - Someone to Share my Life With

Television Personalities - Someone to Share my Life With



I don't want a girl who hangs on every word I say
Who shows me off to her parents over roast beef on Sunday
I don't want a girl who thinks she has to fake
I don't want a girl who laughs at every little joke I make

I just want someone
to share my life with
I just want someone
to share my life with

I don't want a girl who thinks there's only me to please
I don't want a girl who thinks it's fun to tease
I don't want a girl who thinks she has to cater for my every needs
I don't want a girl to go down on her knees

I just want someone
to share my life with
I just want someone
to share my life with
and that someone could be you
that someone could be you

you could be that someone
you could be that someone
you could be that someone
you could be that someone
you could be that someone
you could be that someone

Biff Bang Pow - Someone to share my life with (Cover)

Jens Lekman - Someone to share my life with  (Cover)


Incan Abraham - Tolerance

Incan Abraham - Concorde

Incan Abraham - Midwife

Incan Abraham - Tuolumne

01. Midwife
02. Concorde
03. Forgiveness
04. Tram
05. Tuolumne
06. All You Want
07. Desert Hold
08. Peers
09. Spring House
10. Tolerance


WATTER - This World

WATTER - Rustic Fog

WATTER - Small Business (Grails, Slint, and King Crimson)

1. Rustic Fog
2. Lord I Want More
3. Small Business
4. Bloody Monday
5. Seawater
6. This World


Young Magic - Breathing Statues

Young Magic - Fall In

Young Magic - Holographic

1. One
2. Fall In
3. Foxglove
4. Something In The Water
5. Ageless
6. Cobra
7. Holographic
8. Mythnomer
9. Waiting For The Ground To Open
10. Captcha

High Desert - High Desert

High Desert - Disappeared

A new project by Marty Crandall(ex the shins) and Nick Noeding Jr.

High Desert - Forces

High Desert - Together

1. Memory
2. Bloomer
3. Disappeared
4. Sunsetter
5. Forces
6. Together
7. Pilots
8. Hunters
9. E.I.T.S.
10. Forgotten


Fireflies - In Dreams

Fireflies - September

過份清新,Alpaca Sports這類的,現在的我實在很難把整張嗑完,又或者是因為這很像外國人唱日本的卡拉ok?

01. Everything Is Ending
02. A Chance Someday
03. Hiding Away
04. Fourth Of July download track
05. Staring At The Starlight
06. Kira Kira
07. Cartoons
08. If I Tell You
09. September download track
10. I Thought I Knew
11. Rêve
12. Seventy-Seven

The Crookes - Soapbox

The Crookes - Howl


Each and every conversation flickers like old film
and you know each assignation lives on only in my imagination… or maybe in the mirror.
There’s an echo through these streets that half the world’s forgot: “Don’t know who I am, but who I’m not”
Please just leave me with my imagination.
I’m talking to the mirror.
Staring at my own reflection – it breaks just like a fever.
And there’s no time, only light,
no clocks, but shadows that hide the point when day becomes night.
It’s hard to tell with these skies… I heard the howl, I love you but you keep me down.
Your love’ll keep me down.
Twenty thousand faceless people rushing to their homes.
Somehow I’m surrounded and still alone.
All I wanna do is sit and watch the world go by,
count the minds destroyed by wasted time.
Please just leave me with my imagination.
I’m talking to the mirror.
Staring at my own reflection - it breaks just like a fever.
And there’s no time, only light no clocks, just shadows that hide the point when day becomes night.
It’s hard to tell with these skies…
I heard the howl, I love you but you keep me down.
Your love’ll keep me down.

The Crookes - Play Dumb

The Crookes - Holy Innocents

01. Play Dumb
02. Don’t Put Your Faith In Me
03. Echolalia
04. Before The Night Falls
05. Holy Innocents
06. Outsiders
07. When You’re Fragile
08. Marcy
09. Howl
10. Soapbox


Paul Thomas Saunders - Beautiful Desolation

Paul Thomas Saunders - Good Women


Good Women lie with losers everyday
I'll take him to the killing fields, lay him down, nameless and deserving
Because I swear I saw my child in her eyes
And I swear I've seen his tears in boys' eyes

So let the choir sing hallelujah
As the flames rise higher
It pulls the heartstrings harder
To know that these hands held

Good Women bed the charmless everyday
They lead the lowest to their rooms, with their eyes flawless and disarming
And he'll swear he'll be your doll this time
But those dreams you had, they'll suffer, they'll die

So let the choir sing hallelujah
As the flames rise higher
It pulls the heartstrings harder
To know that these hands held

To know that these hands held
To know that these hands held

01. Kawai Celeste
02. Good Women
03. Appointment In Samarra
04. Walking & Evening Prayers For Rosemary-Mai
05. In High Heels Burn It Down
06. Wreckheads & The Female Form
07. A Lunar Veteran's Guide To Re-Entry
08. Starless State Of The Moonless Barrow
09. Santa Muerte's Lightning & Flare
10. On Into The Night

Yuko - Long Sleeves Cause Accidents

Yuko - While You Figure Things Out

Yuko - Long Sleeves Cause Accidents (Album Teaser)

01. Dive!
02. While You Figure Things Out
03. You Took a Swing at Me
04. First Impression
05. Usually You Are Mine
06. Justine Part 1
07. The Idealist
08. She Keeps Me Thin
09. A Couple of Months on the Couch

Alice Boman - EP II

Alice Boman - What

What do you think when you look at me?
Do you ever think about me like I think about you?
Take me out, take me out tonight.
Come light my fire. Light the fire.

Alice Boman - Waiting


I want you more than I need you
I need you so bad
Are you coming back?
Are you coming back?
I’m waiting

Haven’t had a dream in a long time
Haven’t been able to sleep.
Are you coming back?
Are you coming back?
I’m waiting,
I’m waiting.

I want you more than I need you
I need you bad
Are you coming back?
Are you coming back?
I’m waiting,
I’m waiting,
I’m waiting
I’m waiting.

Alice Boman - Be Mine

1. What
2. Over
3. Burns
4. Be Mine
5. Lead Me
6. All Eyes On You
7. Waiting
8. Skiss 3
9. Skiss 8
10. Skiss 2
11. What Are You Searching For


My Autumn Empire - The Visitation

My Autumn Empire - Blue Coat

My Autumn Empire - The Visitation (Album Teaser)

01. When You Crash Landed
02. Blue Coat
03. Where Has Everybody Gone?
04. Summer Sound
05. Afternoon Transmission
06. It’s Around
07. Andrew
08. The People I Love
09. The Visitation
10. All In My Head

Children Of The Stones - The Stars & The Silence

Children Of The Stones(Mark Van Hoen) - The Stars & The Silence

01. Love's Last Loss
02. Out of Reach (feat. Neil Halstead, Louis Sherman, Alan Forrester & Angus Finlayson)
03. The Stars & the Silence (feat. Angus Finlayson)
04. Ever Within (feat. Neil Halstead, Angus Finlayson, Alan Forrester & Paul Warrener)
05. Roll Complete (feat. Angus Finlayson)
06. Tethered (feat. Angus Finlayson & Louis Sherman)
07. Just Like Coming Down
08. Every Word You Say (feat. Angus Finlayson)
09. Toward the Umbra
10. Save for Me (feat. Angus Finlayson & Rachel Davies)


Sticky Fingers - Land of Pleasure

Sticky Fingers - Gold Snafu

有時候需要一些可以放在車上出遊聽的歌,平常聽的歌常常鬼鬼怪怪、太靠北、或是太sad,不適合和一般的朋友聽,這時候就是要一些節奏性佳、有點流行性、又不會泡到聽不下去的,像Capital Cities之類的就很適合,而Sticky Fingers也是個好選擇,他們一開始的樂風帶點雷鬼,感覺開車兜風去海邊都很搭,新歌雷鬼味少了點,但還是很有可聽性

Sticky Fingers - Extended Play







Flagland - Love Hard

2.Searchers 04:11
3.Swingin 01:42
4.Happiness 04:24
5.Waste of Paper 00:32
6.Not a Joke 02:57
7.Straight White Male 00:26
8.Comfortable Life 03:06
9.Monster 02:33
10.Proud 01:15
11.Shitsucksrightnow 01:44
12.Sugarcube 03:17
13.Time #3 03:14
14.Yr GF 00:40
15.Greed 03:45
16.Let It Go 02:12
17.Kerry 00:43
18.It's Your Time 02:51
19.Unfinished Business 00:48
20.Mosquito Bite 02:30

Natas Loves You - Skip Stones EP

Natas Loves You - Skip Stones


Natas Loves You - Go Or Linger


Natas Loves You - Zeppelins


Natas Loves You - Scarlett Brown


1. Skip Stones
2. Go or Linger
3. Zeppelins
4. Scarlett Brown

The Watermark High - Bright Black EP

The Watermark High - Saudade


3.Weak End
5.Welcome To The Resistance
6.The Outsider

Amatorski - From Clay To Figures

Amatorski - Hudson

四月要去北京啊! 可以順便來台北玩玩嗎?

01 Hudson
02 U-Turn
03 Wild Birds
04 Boy/Girl
05 Fragment
06 Warszawa
07 Deer The Wood
08 She Became A Ballerina
09 Tiny Bird
10 How Are You
11 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
12 Landscape Gardening
13 Unknown


Eels - The Cautionary Tales Of Mark Oliver Everett

EELS - Agatha Chang

EELS - Mistakes Of My Youth

01. Where I’m At
02. Parallels
03. Lockdown Hurricane
04. Agatha Chang
05. A Swallow in the Sun
06. Where I’m From
07. Series of Misunderstandings
08. Kindred Spirit
09. Gentleman’s Choice
10. Dead Reckoning
11. Answers
12. Mistakes of My Youth
13. Where I’m Going

Deluxe Edition Bonus Disc:
01. To Dig It
02. Lonely Lockdown Hurricane
03. Bow Out
04. A Good Deal
05. Good Morning Bright Eyes
06. Millicent Don’t Blame Yourself
07. Thanks I Guess
08. On The Ropes (LIVE WNYC)
09. Accident Prone (LIVE WNYC)
10. I’m Your Brave Little Soldier (LIVE WNYC)
11. Fresh Feeling (LIVE KCRW)
12. Trouble With Dreams (LIVE KCRW)
13. Oh Well (LIVE KCRW)


Eno • Hyde - The Satellites

Eno • Hyde - The Satellites

Brian Eno & Karl Hyde (Underworld)

01. The Satellites
02. Daddy’s Car
03. A Man Wakes Up
04. Witness
05. Strip It Down
06. Mother Of A Dog
07. Who Rings The Bell
08. When I Built This World
09. To Us All
Bonus tracks:
01. Big Band Song
02. Brazil 3
03. Celebration
04. Titian Bekh

V.A. - A Psych Tribute to the Doors

V.A. - A Psych Tribute to the Doors

The Raveonettes – The End


This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land

Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby

Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold

The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest

The blue bus is callin' us
The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us

The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...I want to...fuck you

C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin' a blue rock
C'mon, yeah

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

01 – Elephant Stone – L.A – Woman
02 – The Black Angels – Soul Kitchen
03 – Psychic Ills – Love Me Two Times
04 – Dark Horses – Hello, I Love You
05 – Camera – People Are Strange
06 – Dead Meadow – The Crystal Ship
07 – Sons of Hippies – The Soft Parade
08 – Dead Skeletons – Riders On the Storm
09 – Wall of Death – Light My Fire
10 – Clinic – Touch Me
11 – Vietnam – Roundhouse Blues
12 – Geri X – Love Her Madly
13 – The Raveonettes – The End

Coldplay - Ghost Stories

Coldplay - Midnight


In the darkness
Before the dawn
In the swelling
Of this storm
Running round and with apologies
And hope is gone
Leave a light, a light on

Millions are
Lost from home
In the swelling
Swelling on
Running round and with a thunder
To bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on
Leave a light, a light on

Leave a light, a light on
Leave a light, a light on

In the darkness
Before the dawn
In the darkness
Before the dawn
Leave a light, a light on
Leave a light, a light on

Coldplay - Magic


Call it magic
Call it true
I call it magic
When I’m with you

And just got broken
Broken into two
Still I call it magic
When I’m next to you

And I don’t, and I don’t, and I don’t and I don’t
And I don’t (know) it’s true
No I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t
Want anybody else but you

I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t
No, I don’t (know) it’s true
No I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t
Want anybody else but you


Call it magic
Cut me into two
And of all your magic
I disappear from view

And I can’t get over
Can’t get over you
Still I call it magic
You’re such a precious jewel

And I don’t, and I don’t, and I don’t and I don’t
And I don’t (know) it’s true
No I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t
Want anybody else but you

I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t
No, I don’t (know) it’s true
No I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t
Want anybody else but you

Wanna fall
I fall so far
I wanna fa-a-a-all
I fall so hard
And I call it magic
And I call it true
I call it ma-a-a-a-a, ma-ma-maaaaa-a-a-gic
Woo-o-o-o-oh, woo-o-o-o-oh, woo-o-o-o-oh, woo-o-o-o-oh

And if you were to ask me
After all that we’ve been through
Still believe in magic?
Yes, I do
Oh, yes I do
Yes I do
Yes I do
Of course I do

01 Always In My Head
02 Magic
03 Ink
04 True Love
05 Midnight
06 Another's Arms
07 Oceans
08 A Sky Full Of Stars
09 O

Lykke Li - I Never Learn

Lykke Li - I Never Learn


Where the human tried
Where the cave man died
In the sea again
By the fallen stars

Only chimes sing again
There's a storm only in loving me

In the storm, by the storm
Beneath the stars
Right here when the storm blows over
Right here like a storm left over
I die here as your friend or lover
They never learn
They never learn

Lykke Li - Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone


There's a heart I cannot hide,
There's a beat I can't deny,
When it sings, when it lies,
When it cheats, when it bribes
There is a war inside my core,
I hear it fight, I hear it roar
go ahead, go ahead,
lay your head where it burns

Even though it hurts, even though it scars,
love me when it storms, love me when I fall,
Every time it breaks, every time its torn,
love me like I'm not made of stone,
love me like I'm not made of stone

A devil's hand across my heart
as we dance through the dark
go ahead, go ahead
love me deep, until you can't

Even though it hurts, even though it scars,
love me when it storms, love me when I fall,
Every time it breaks, every time its torn,
love me like I'm not made of stone,
love me like I'm not made of stone

Love me hard until it heats
Will you love my scars so I can heal

Even though it hurts, even though it scars,
love me when it strorms, love me when I fall,
Every time it breaks, every time its torn,
love me like I'm not made of stone,
love me like I'm not made of stone
love me like I'm not made of stone

01 I Never Learn
02 No Rest for the Wicked
03 Just Like a Dream
04 Silverline
05 Gunshot
06 Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone
07 Never Gonna Love Again
08 Heart of Steel
09 Sleeping Alone


Ernest Ellis - Cold Desire

Ernest Ellis - Black Wire

Ernest Ellis - Shine Like Me

01 Clean Machine
02 Black Wire 1
03 Black Wire 2
04 Way Down
05 Inside Outside
06 Exorcise It
07 Shine Like Me
08 Echo Bay
09 Pale Horse

Ernest Ellis - Don't Wanna Go Down

Ernest Ellis - Livingston

The Horrors - Luminous

The Horrors - I See You


Through the summer
You can breather the air
Rest forever
Because there's nothing else
See the way the valley starts to grow
Every movement
Seems to be for you

I can see your future in it
I can see it there
I can see your future in it
I can see it there

I see you, I see you
I see you, I see you
And all things you might do
All the things you'd like to
And all things you might do
I see you, I see you

Through the summer
You will soon forget
Days get longer
But the sun still sets
You're so fair while
Love is yours to choose
Life is fragile
Don't you let it go

I can see your future in it
I can see it there
I can see your future in it
I can see it there

I see you, I see you
I see you, I see you
And all things you might do
All the things you'd like to
And all things you might do
I see you, I see you

01 Chasing Shadows
02 First Day of Spring
03 So Now You Know
04 In and Out of Sight
05 Jealous Sun
06 Falling Star
07 I See You
08 Change Your Mind
09 Mine and Yours
10 Sleepwalk


The Go Find - Brand New Love

The Go Find - The Lobby

The Go Find - We Run

01. Jungle Heart
02. The Lobby
03. We Run
04. Your Heart
05. We Promised Together
06. Summer Boys
07. Japan
08. On The Rebound
09. The Message
10. The River

The War On Drugs - Lost in the Dream

The War On Drugs - Red Eyes

01 Under the Pressure
02 Red Eyes
03 Suffering
04 An Ocean in Between the Waves
05 Disappearing
06 Eyes to the Wind
07 The Haunting Idle
08 Burning
09 Lost in the Dream
10 In Reverse


Woods - With Light and With Love

Woods - Leaves Like Glass

Woods - Moving To The Left

01. Shepherd
02. Shining
03. With Light and With Love
04. Moving to the Left
05. New Light
06. Leaves Like Glass
07. Twin Steps
08. Full Moon
09. Only the Lonely
10. Feather Man


Starwalker - Losers Can Win EP

Starwalker = JB Dunckel (Air、Tomorrow's World) + Bardi Johannsson (Bang Gang, Lady & Bird)

Starwalker - Losers Can Win

魯蛇也能贏? 這歌太撫慰人心了,Bardi Johannsson的Bang Gang和Lady & Bird的歌明明都很灰暗,會害人想自殺的那種 (Suicide Is Painless、The World Is Gray) 是加上了Air的JB Dunckel才正面起來的嗎? 其實是假正面吧! 都已經說是魯蛇了,還想要成為勝利組,扎扎實實的杯具啊!

Starwalker - Bad Weather

1. Losers Can Win (with Keren Ann)
2. Bad Weather
3. Moral Sex
4. Losers Can Win (All That You've Got)
5. Bad Weather (Bloodgroup Remix)


Orcas - Yearling

Orcas - Infinite Stillness

01 Petrichor
02 Infinite Stillness
03 Half Light
04 Selah
05 Capillaries
06 An Absolute
07 Filament
08 Tell

The Acid - The Acid EP

The Acid - Basic Instinct

The Acid - Animal

The Acid (Ry X)

01 Animal
02 Basic Instinct
03 Fame
04 Tumbling Lights


Lefse (V.A.) - Space Project

Youth Lagoon - Worms

Spiritualized - Always Forgetting With You

Beach House - Saturn Song

Jupiter: 木星
A: Porcelain Raft “Giove” - 03:26
B: The Antlers “Jupiter" - 05:54

Miranda: 天王星的衛星
A: Mutual Benefit “Terraform” - 04:13
B: Anna Meredith “Miranda” - 03:35

Neptune : 海王星
A: Spiritualized Mississippi Space Program “Always Forgetting With You (Mercury's Out Tonight)” - 06:08
B. The Holydrug Couple “Amphitrites Lost” - 04:30

Uranus : 天王星
A: Youth Lagoon “Worms” - 04:35
B: Blues Control “Blues Danube” - 06:10

Saturn: 土星
A: Beach House “Saturn Song” - 04:33
B: Zomes “Moonlet” - 06:03

Earth: 地球
A: Absolutely Free “EARTH I” - 04:37
B: Jesu “Song of Earth” - 04:43

Io: 木星的衛星
A: Benoit & Sergio “Long Neglected Words” - 03:49
B: Larry Gus “Sphere of Io (For Georg Cantor)” - 04:47


Mac DeMarco - Salad Days

Mac DeMarco - Salad Days

還是這麼猥褻,還是這麼動聽,April 1st 不是開玩笑的吧?

Mac DeMarco - Passing Out The Pieces

01 Salad Days
02 Blue Boy
03 Brother
04 Let Her Go
05 Goodbye Weekend
06 Let My Baby Stay
07 Passing Out Pieces
08 Treat Her Better
09 Chamber of Reflection
10 Go Easy
11 Johnny's Odyssey
12 Go Easy (demo) iTunes only
13 Passing Out Pieces (demo) iTunes only


Shy Boys - Shy Boys

Shy Boys - Shy Boys

01. Is This Who You Are
02. Keeps Me On My Toes
03. Notion
04. Bully Fight
05. And I Am Nervous
06. Heart Is Mine
07. Postcard
08. Submarine
09. Fireworks
11. Trim

Damon Albarn - Everyday Robots

Damon Albarn - Everyday Robots

01 Everyday Robots
02 Hostiles
03 Lonely Press Play
04 Mr. Tembo
05 Parakeet
06 The Selfish Giant
07 You and Me
08 Hollow Ponds
09 Seven High
10 Photographs (You Are Taking Now)
11 The History of a Cheating Heart
12 Heavy Seas of Love

S. Carey - Range of Light

S. Carey - Fire-scene


The city's fire
Trapped behind the earth
Digging in your deepest dirt

The reddest hue
Reminds you of you
Clinging love and falling true

On and On
All I want is honesty

Tree has snapped
Sparks are flying everywhere
Cables burnt and lines flare

And when the all in all
Comes falling down
It was just an accident
Something you can't help

On and On
All I want is honesty

01 Glass/Film
02 Creaking
03 Crown the Pines
04 Fire-Scene
05 Radiant
06 Alpenglow
07 Fleeting Light
08 The Dome
09 Neverending Fountain


Real Estate - Atlas

Real Estate - Talking Backwards

01 Had to Hear
02 Past Lives
03 Talking Backwards
04 April’s Song
05 The Bend
06 Crime
07 Primitive
08 How Might I Live
09 Horizon
10 Navigator


Alcest - Shelter

Alcest - Opale

01. Wings
02. Opale
03. La Nuit Marche Avec Moi
04. Voix Sereines
05. L'Eveil Des Muses
06. Shelter
07. Away (feat. Neil Halstead)
08. Délivrance


Delay Trees - Readymade

1. Intro
2. Fireworks
3. Steady
4. Sister
5. Woods
6. Perfect Heartache
7. The Howl
8. Big Sleep
9. The Atlantic