
Divine Fits - A Thing Called Divine Fits

Divine Fits - My Love is Real

A Thing Called Divine Fits is a BIG thing! what a supergroup!
Divine Fits = Spoon + New Bomb Turks + Handsome Furs + Wolf Parade


I was .. we were equal nervous
I could not get through
So where is the chain that will keep us together
This rush is true
Well my love is real
Until it stops.
Don't you wanna look down like all my ...
And if I was a cage she's nothing that but water
Is so much to lose when my love is real

Until it stops down,
My love is real!
Until it stops!

So... I'm not allowed to lose!
I will, I will not sleep until I try every way
To bring your little black heart back
Love is real
Until it stops down,
Well, my love is real!
Until it stops down,
Well, my love is real!
Until it stops down,
Until it stops down,
Well, my love is real!

Divine Fits - Would That Not Be Nice

Would That Not Be Nice? 這種大合體會不好嗎?

融合再融合,同化再同化,只能說我不喜歡大合體,不管是取其精華還是大雜燴,也不是不好,只是都感覺髒髒的,我還是最喜歡那種保有唯一性和純粹性的音樂,一種堅持! 但現在太難得了,大家都愛亂搞,這個團插一腳,那個團插一腳,插來插去怪噁心的,一方面是對自己已擁有的沒有信心,想再尋求其他的 ; 另一方面是現代人的存在感太低了,觸角愈廣好像表示自己愈厲害,但我覺得能孤獨發展自我的本質,才最令人崇敬,一種令人激賞的純粹。

01  My Love Is Real
02  Flaggin A Ride
03  What Gets You Alone
04  Would That Not Be Nice
05  The Salton Sea
06  Baby Get Worse
07  Civilian Stripes
08  For Your Heart
09  Shivers
10  Like Ice Cream
11  Neopolitans

