
The Oyster Murders - Winter of the Electric Sun

The Oyster Murders - It Might Be Real

I woke up from a creepy dream shouting something absurd.

前晚做夢,夢到我在睡覺,睡到一半聽到有人哭的聲音。夢裏的我想要說…"好恐怖哦!",但因為夢裏的我正在睡覺,所以說不出聲。我努力地掙扎,使勁想要發出聲,嗚嗚嗚了半天,終於說出了…"好恐怖哦!",不只夢裏的我醒了,真正的我也醒了,而且真的說出口來了…"好恐怖哦!"。怕怕! 這個夢真的…"好恐怖哦!"。到底是誰在我的夢裏哭? 靠腰哦!想嚇死我?

後來想想,會不會是我自己在哭? 夢裏在睡覺的我也正在做夢,夢中夢的我不知為什麼哭了,該不會是發生了什麼"好恐怖哦!"的事。可是,有夢中夢這種東西嗎? 不過都可以有睡中睡了,有夢中夢也沒什麼好奇怪的了吧?


 it might b real, but no one knows.  it might b real, but no one cares...

The Oyster Murders - Ghosts In Our Wake


Theres nothing on the starboard side
you know the captain lied
we may never see the shore again
the crew is feeling ill
you know they're seeing ghosts
trailing in our wake

sometimes I don't know why
we left our homes for the sea

I don't think the captain cares
if we all stay out here
you know he doesn't believe the world is flat
what kind of fool is here?
he doesn't even believe in god
oh my god

Sometimes I don't know why
We left our homes for the sea

we threw him overboard and sailed in circles
Your ghost trailing in our wake

The Oyster Murders - The Sleeper's Heart


Fallen mirror ball, reflecting the fire on the walls
and the sleeper's heart beats out of time

The warmth puts ash in the air
while the neighbours through windows stare
as the sleeper's heart beats out of time

I suppose I should do something
but it already feels too late
you seem so peaceful I'd hate to wake you

I lay here and watch the fire roam
around us and through our home

I suppose I should do something
but it already feels too late
you seem so peaceful I'd hate to wake you

1.Ink (Eva created sad ink)
2.The Water In Your Blood
3.It Might Be Real
4.The Sleeper's Heart 03:41
5.Spectre of a landfill
6.Stay warm by burning books
8.Ghosts In Our Wake

