
Years & Years - I Wish I Knew

Years & Years - I Wish I Knew

I wish I knew how to behave like a human..

事有奚翹!! 我不是有穿隱形斗篷嗎? 怎麼還會被發現?

這下糗了! 難道這invisible cape不是哈利波特穿的那種,我穿的invisible cape是指斗蓬會隱形,而不是穿的人會隱形,也就是國王新衣的那種。超冏的,因為第一次沒被發現,還以為是成功了,第二次做壞事做得太得意忘形,還一邊載歌載舞的。所以當時我是整個赤裸裸的在你面前又唱又跳?!

真尷尬! 哈哈哈~ 就當什麼事都沒發生過吧! 日子還是要過下去的。


Years & Years - The Whale (The Dish and the Spoon)


If you want, I will love you.
I'll open my cupboard and show you my jumpers & posters and you'll say;
Don't be afraid, I've been here before.
I'm made of ivory, I'm a cannibal.
What have you done? You're not a weapon, are you?
What have you done? You're not a weapon, are you?

I laugh forever & I have plenty time,
Make marks, I do not panic.
Don't be afraid, I've been here before.
I'm made of Ivory, I eat cannibals.
I'll tie you up, I'll sail on by, I will.
Oh, I'll tie you up, I'll sail on by, I will.

Oh, the whale is not my friend tonight,
I've never been alone.
Oh, the whale is not my friend tonight,
It's just a bag of bones.
Oh, the whale is not my friend tonight.

Olly Alexander - Song for Owls (Piano) The Dish & The Spoon soundtrack

